Dave Brons Guitar Lessons

email: info@davebrons.com
tel: 07815099913

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band workshops

We deliver band workshops wherever you want us. Schools, youth groups, residentials even prisons. We bring everything you will need: the tutors, the instruments (including drums amps, guitars keyboards and PA system).

Our mobile studio can be used to deliver music technology workshops, record the band and produce CDs. All the bands that we work with have chances to play a gig.

We create bespoke courses for your needs: We don't just deliver workshops, we can deliver accredited courses up to level 2 (GCSE standard) and music Grades.


Anyone can play. youcanrock have spent the last 10 years getting complete beginners playing together from the moment they pick up the instrument.

All our workshops focus on learning music in a hands on practical way. We build up real-world skills: understanding rhythm, learning chords, how to read song charts, how to improvise using scales, creating different sound textures and styles. Breaking down the arrangements into bite size chunks.

any time, any place

Our staff are seasoned working professional musicians with over 10 years experience in working as performers, producers and composers as well as delivering tuition in a variety of settings including schools and pupil referral units.

All our staff are CRB checked
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